Labour Colony Manufacturer in Mumbra | Samrat Cabins Engineering

Labour Colony Manufacturer in Mumbra | Samrat Cabins Engineering
Labour Colony Manufacturer in Mumbra | Samrat Cabins Engineering


Specifications labour Camp :

Heavy Duty Oil Field Standard Lift And Carry Type Skid Mounted Camp Container With Bottom Two Runner Skid. Labor Camp For Accomodation Specification

As per the requirements of the clients, we are engaged in providing Labour Colony. This Labour Colony is provided by our experienced team of professionals. They are capable to provide best services and products to clients and satisfy them in all possible manners. The Labour Colony work is provided by us as per the requirements of the clients and we strive hard to complete the task in speculative time frame.

  1. Skide Mounted Heavy Duity Oil Field Standard Container Camp.
  2. Two Runner Heavy Duity Bottom Skide.
  3. Fully Welded Wall With Bottom And Top To Assure Long Life And Hi Grade Quality.
  4. Hi Quality Insulation For Extream Weather Condtion.
  5. Fully Furnished And Well Equipped For Comfortable Stay.
  6. A Home Away From Home For Labour.
  7. Timely execution
  8. Well planned
  9. Cost effective

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